So much more collective creativity in diversity...

Singing is an excellent

tool for working with groups of people that are very diverse and develop their integration and interaction in the ensemble. Prove of it are the many activities that exist regarding music therapy with different aims.

In these singing workshops we will encourage and promote the fact that everybody is having a real good time in the activity, the enjoyment of making music together and the feeling of individual and collective achievement, normalizing the fact that we work with people with different capacities that decide to join in one activity.


Singing has a positive effect

on health and well being through enabling participants to improve posture, breathing, self expression , confidence and a sense of community. Adults with LD have limited opportunities to be independent, be involved actively in cultural activities and often experience discrimination. Their input and understanding of the activities are always well taken on board and integrated in the elaboration of activities.



Singing4health  provides

a collaborative activity for people with learning difficulties.The choir will use very special methods of instant creation and emotional improvisation that allow each person to participate according to their needs and capacities.

Workshops contain world music, primal singing and body percussion.

All adapted to multi level groups and different capacities